Western Connecticut Orienteering Club (WCOC)
Fall 2017 Event Schedule
Unless otherwise noted, participants can register and begin at any time between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Control flags are collected beginning at 2:00 p.m. (participants must finish the course by this time). Free instruction is available at all meets. If you would like instruction, please arrive before 11 a.m. (it's also a good idea to tell the meet director in advance that you'd like some training). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the meet director.
Some meets include sprint courses, which are about 2 to 3 km with a mix of beginner to advanced controls over more runnable terrain than in typical advanced courses.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Where: Mike's Maze, Sunderland, MA
Events: Foot-O, Trail-O, Night-O--all within a corn maze
Schedule and Cost: Races start at 3:30 pm, $20 for all events
Race Directors: Steve Richardson and J-J Cote
For more information and to register (required), go to: Pre-register
Directions: Google Map
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Where: Huntington State Park - Redding, CT
Events: Foot-O
Courses: Standard courses, all levels
Race Director: Niels Lyng-Olsen, nielslo@yahoo.com
Directions: Google Map
Sunday, October 1, 2017 (HVO meet)
Where: Somewhere in Harriman State Park, NY
Events: Hudson Highlander (Foot-O)
Courses: Long course (26k) and shorter course (13k)
Course setter: Joe Brautigam
For more information: See HVO's schedule page
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Where: Ansonia Nature Center, Ansonia, CT
Events: Foot-O
Courses: Standard courses, all levels
Race Directors: Jim Henderson, bandjhenderson@sbcglobal.net and Rich Nietupski
Directions: Google Map
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Where: Simsbury Town Forest, Simsbury, CT
Events: Foot-O
Courses: Standard courses, all levels
Race Directors: George and Lyn Walker, georgenlyn@comcast.net
Directions: Google Map
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Where: Tarrywile Park, Danbury, CT
Events: Foot-O
Courses: Standard courses, all levels
Race Directors: Rick and Susan DeWitt, wrdewitt@snet.net
Directions: Google Map
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Where: Ratlum Mountain, Canton, CT
Event: Ratlum Holiday International Night-O (RHINO), with potluck
Schedule: Start the night-O courses between 5:30 and 7 pm, dinner afterward
RSVP Required: Charlie DeWeese, deweescc@gmail.com
Directions: Google Map